Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 13 Tech Tip: Twitter Lists

Okay, I have been a twitter user for a long time. I have a tweet from 7 or 8 years ago that is equally embarrassing and too hilarious to delete. Over the years, my focuses have changed on the platform. At times, I've spelled out my thoughts, at others I've just scrolled through looking for news and funny cat vines. So, I thought I was a pro at twitter!

I was wrong. My twitter has been forever changed by lists!

I truly had no idea that twitter lists existed. I have seen the light. They are the most efficient, useful tool for when you are on twitter with a purpose.  Need funny memes? List. Only want hard-hitting news? List. I'm in love.

For my first list, I compiled a few accounts that I feel are essential to keeping up with the latest on the US Presidential election. The best part is, I can keep up with all of the news without necessarily following those who are not my candidates! Check out my list here. I'm off to make more!!

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