Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 11 Tech Tip: Google Timer

Tomorrow, I begin to complete my final projects and papers for all of my final courses at OU. Further,  I am still making final decisions and waiting to hear back from plans for after graduation. To say that I'm getting nervous would be an understatement, but I am committed to preparing well and doing my very best!

In order to complete everything in the coming weeks, I must adhere to a strict timeline. Previously, if I needed to adhere to a strict time deadline, I had used the timer on my phone, but as we all know, phones also have way more fun features on them that can quickly become a study distraction! So, as I was browsing through the tech tips looking for some study help, I was thrilled to come across the Google Timer! I had no idea that it existed! Now, in conjunction with the SelfControl App, I can have my phone safely locked away and have no worries about scurrying off to look at cute puppy pictures on the internet instead of working on a paper or studying for an exam!


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