Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 13 Growth Mindset: Enjoy the Ride!

This week,  I have been in a flurry thinking about all of the final papers to complete, all of the to-do list boxes to be checked, and the meetings that I need to attend.  Then, this weekend, I realized that graduation is only three short weeks away. I knew this calendar wise, but I had not stopped to consider that it also meant that I had three weeks left of living with my roommates and best friends of four years, exploring campus at night, and making midnight sonic runs during an all-nighter. Of course, I will keep working hard at all of my responsibilities. However, it's also time to take in this time that I will never have again. Like this cat, I'm going to enjoy the ride as much as I will enjoy celebrating my accomplishments in three short weeks! 

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