Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 13 Learning Challenge: Audiobook Experience

Growing up, I loved listening to audiobooks. Every night before I fell asleep, my grandma would play a cassette tape of The Boxcar Children or a book from the Anne of Green Gables series. I truly believe that listening to these books helped me to learn to read at a young age. I first taught myself to read The Boxcar Children and Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite stories to this day.

Sadly, college has afforded me much opportunity to sit down and read for pleasure, much less just listen. There is a certain peace of mind that comes with listening to an audiobook, and it is hard to allow myself that calm when I feel that I should be doing something else. So, I was so happy to see this as a learning challenge!

I chose to listen to more Russian Folktales at Librivox after really enjoying my reading for the week. It was so powerful to listen to these stories in the way that they were meant to be told (albeit in English) and in the manner that they have been conveyed for generations. However, the reading only got spookier when I heard it, so I admittedly left my lamp on before bed.

I find it relaxing to listen to audiobooks in bed or with my eyes closed on the couch. However, in the past, I have also found that audiobooks are perfect for car rides or doing chores. I cannot, however, listen to one on an airplane.

I think that I'll try listening to more stories next week as well!

Audiobook Cover Art
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