Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Week 13 Reading Diary: Russian Folktales

So, this past week, I have become embarrassingly obsessed with a show originally aired on the CW called The Originals. Yes, I have been binge watching a show about vampires! My junior high self would be proud. It only felt right to continue the theme with this weeks readings in Russian Folktales that included some references to the undead! These stories are originally from Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore by W. R. S. Ralston.

Beginning to read these had the same kind of feeling before reading ghost stories. The titles were endearing and terrifying. I was afraid that, like ghost stories, I'd love reading them, but then be jumpy with them in my head!One of my favorite things about this text was how the author worked to maintain the original voice of the folk tales. They feel genuine. Perhaps that is what makes the idea of some of the creatures mentioned even more scary!

Some of the themes were extremely heart breaking. Most so, I felt this about the very first story of the dead mother and later, her dead baby. Some were just deeply disturbing in their lessons, like with the pope who was forced to wear goatskin forever as a body after being greedy. Despite all of the creepiness though, I might have been most disturbed by the snake marriage and the mother who murdered the snake. These tales are intense!

This Russian Folk Tale Character looks just as spooked as I am!
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