Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 11 Learning Challenges: Mental Health Videos

While I have heard a lot about OUr Mental Health through both my friends and social media, I had not gotten the chance to sit down and watch and learn from the videos the group made until this week.

Each video includes the story of an OU student who has struggled with mental illness. I personally am friends with each student who posted a video. Further, I myself struggle with mental illness.

I cannot convey how much I admire each student's bravery, honestly, and vulnerability. It shows great care to share your own story in order to help others!

So many of those around us are struggling silently with mental illness, and it is important to learn how to best support them. Everyone is different. Every brain has strengths and weaknesses. Mental illness is not a weakness. Rather, it just leads the person to go through life in a different way. However, it is important that while we recognize that each person is different and not abnormal for having a mental illness, their illness is also just as real and serious as a physical illness!

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