Thursday, February 18, 2016

Week 5 Reading Diary, Continued: 22 Goblins

Twenty-Two Goblins by Arthur Ryder concludes in both surprising and suspected ways. However, before learning the eventual fate of the goblin, King, and monk, the story twists and turns with more complex riddles! Like in the first section, each riddle is based on a story. Each correct answer can thus be found by reasoning out each element of the tale! The king is extremely clever and resilient, so even though the goblin continues to escape with every correct answer, the king continues to return and get him. However, the plot twist came when the king could not solve the final riddle about how the children from the strange marriages would be related. (Simultaneous grandchildren and half-siblings?)  What would happen now that the goblin had to go along with the king?

I was right! The monk was suspicious! He intended to sacrifice the king for the sake of magic and power. Luckily, the goblin warns the king who in turn kills the monk and saves the day. The goblin then promises that anyone who reads his stories from then on will be deemed sin free (hooray!). Then, in an unexpected appearance, Shiva appears, applauds the king's bravery, and rewards him with an enchanted sword and longevity! 

Shiva, who rewards the brave king with a sword of truth!
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1 comment:

  1. I’ve never actually commented on a reading diary but I have already commented on your intro. I usually tend to like writing the reading diaries more than the storytelling. I tend to get obsessed by one detail in a reading that I really want to discuss so I decided to read yours this week. I didn’t read Twenty-Two Goblins but I did kind of want to read it after reading your Reading Diary. I want to know what’s going on between the goblin, King, and monk. I also really like stories that have an unexpected bad guy.
