Monday, February 8, 2016

Tech Tip: Embed a Pinterest Pin

Today,  I will be doing a tech-tip within a tech tip! Well, sort of.

Last week, a friend of mine told me how helpful Microsoft One Note was for taking notes in her Powerpoint heavy class. I have always been one to take notes by hand, so taking notes in these kind of classes can get sloppy when trying to remember what notes go with what slides on the powerpoint. This semester, I am in an art history class that use exclusively powerpoints with pictures on them as lecture cues. So, I knew it was time to give One Note a shot.

Last semester in Indian Epics, I learned what a valuable learning tool Pinterest can be. So, I immediately went to Pinterest to search for a One Note how-to. I found a great one, but don't have time to fully delve into it quite yet.  So, since I come to my blog much more frequently than I go to Pinterest, I used this tech tip to learn how to embed it here! Hooray!

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