Monday, February 22, 2016

Thoughts about Comments

Through out the semester, I have really enjoyed both getting to know my classmates and learning about my own writing through the commenting exercises. 

My favorite kind of comment to receive includes a personal connection to the story. I feel like I have succeeded in my writing when it makes the reader think about things they've learned either in their own readings or outside of this class! With this in mind, one of my favorite things to include in a comment is that the storytelling made me want to go back and read their source story! On the technical side, it is always helpful to get tips on style, grammar, and content; however, I am often hesitant to leave these comments on other peoples' stories until I know how they write and interpret feedback. 

But of course, my favorite comment exercise is getting to meet everyone through their introductions! We have a diverse and intelligent class, and it's fascinating to read about their lives ns what influences their creative process. 

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