Monday, February 8, 2016

Growth Mindset, Week 3

As I read through the Growth Mindset challenges for the semester, I came across the page on Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory. I loved getting the chance to look over the infographic (below) and watch the video to learn more!

Types of Human Intelligences by Howard Gardner
So often, we limit ourselves to being confident in one specific area of thinking. For example, I have often said that I am great at reading and analyzing,  but terrible at qaunitfying and interpreting. This kind of speech is a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I say out loud and to myself that I am not good at something, I will not have the confidence and drive to really work toward or try something new. Howard Gardner's theory, to me, shows that we all embody many intelligences at once to accomplish our everyday tasks. So, we truly have the capacity to do anything by using all of our skills! The video specifically highlights that intelligences function most strongly in conjunction with other intelligences. So, in stressful moments of uncertainty, I hope that I will look back at this chart and know that  I am capable of using all of these skills to achieve my goals. Plus, personal growth and confidence is always a great thing!

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