Monday, February 8, 2016

Week 3 Learning Challenges, The Happiness Jar

I was so happy to see The Happiness Jar as an option for Learning Challenges!

Last year, I received a very meaningful gift after going through a personally difficult time. A friend of mine put  365 tiny notes, quotes, and happy drawings into a huge jar labeled "2015". Then, I could either pick out a new piece of paper for daily inspiration or go to the jar when I needed a pick-me-up. The jar was absolutely helpful in remembering to be happy and ever-grateful for all of life's ups and downs. So, as 2016 approached, I decided that I wanted to make a jar of my own! However, I chose to write down a happy memory that happened each day, date it, and put it in the jar. I hope to continue this throughout the year and read back over the memories on New Years Eve!

So far, some of the highlights include:
Flying to Las Vegas to reunite with a friend
Making pie with my roommates after returning from winter break
Hearing about my best friend's trip across Southeast Asia
Booking a trip to Australia for Spring Break

I look forward to keeping up with documenting all these happy moments!

Happiness Jar learning challenge 

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