Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Week 7 Reading Diary: Lang's Fairy Book

This week, I am reading African stories originally from The Crimson Fairy Book by Andrew Lang. I am excited for these because they come from a myriad of African traditions!

An ill woman gets better once her husband brings her sweet water. However, he is spiteful of her requests even though she was near death! So, when he asks for water, he is equally demanding. The woman meets a monster in the lake and promises her child in exchange for her own life and the water. Luckily, the child is a magician and can outsmart them both! Wait, what??

The baby asks some magic bones what to do. Is this a common thing? The bones advise that he make all the local babies look like him so the ogre will be confused -- smart! The original baby then transforms into a mouse so the waiting ogre can't take him. But the mother persists in her deal making! In the end, the ogre mistakes the father for the baby and the father is eaten. Serves him right for being mean about the water?

Jackal and Spring:
The animals have an interesting don't work/don't benefit political arrangement so they need a guard to make sure that the jackal doesn't drink from the well. In the end, only the tortoise can guard it -- not the rabbit or hare. Is this tied to the tortoise and hare story that is more familiar?

Adventures of a Jackal:
There is so much in this story! Mainly, I wondered what the hedgehog was thinking throughout this whole crazy adventure. Plus, why did the jackal make bad shoes for the panther? Was the hedgehog afraid that the panther would do something mean to him too?

The mother meeting the monster
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