Sunday, March 6, 2016

Week 7 Famous Last Words

It is so nice to get the chance to look back and think about the week that has passed before beginning the new one!

This week in class, I got the chance to read from both the African stories unit and the European stories unit. All of my reading focused on fairytales and folktales. I found it so interesting to compare and contrast the themes and lessons within the different cultures' stories. I am excited to read more folktales from other areas to see if the theme and moral similarities continue!

I was sad to not be able to complete a storytelling post this week, but I am excited to start writing for my storybook this week, especially as I prepare to fly to Australia later this week! I have especially enjoyed doing more research on aboriginal culture so that I can better understand and appreciate the source stories for my own storytelling in the future. 

Luckily, this past week brought a lot of peace to my concerns about other classes. I finally got my honors research arranged! I will be helping a professor research for his upcoming book on the history of Rome! Since I studied abroad there, I am hoping that some of my first-hand cultural experience will be of help in the research process. Now, I am ready to go to graduation gear up this week to order my cap, gown, and honors hood!

It's such a busy and important semester, but I am excited about tying up all the loose ends  and enjoying the weeks left here at OU!

The Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge -- I will see these in less than a week!
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