Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Comment Wall

I am so excited to get to know you all! Thank you for stopping by my blog! :)


  1. Audra, what a great introduction! First, I loved how this story is from a koala’s point of view (how fun!) I also loved how you really gave Frederick a personality in this introduction. I felt that Frederick and I were already great friends. I think it is really cool that he is originally from Australia. What if you added some more details about where he used to live in your introduction? What if you explained where he lives now in better detail? What if you gave him a girlfriend Koala? I love the route you are taking with this story. I feel that if you added some more colorful details from the start, it would really pull your readers in and make them feel like they were actually there! I am really excited to hear more stories from these fun animals. This is such a fun and creative idea. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Audra!
    The first thing I noticed was how easy it was to read your introduction. The spacing was just right. I also thought the background was perfect. It fit the mood and the storyline. The voice of the introduction coming from the koala was a neat idea! I also like that you named him "just Frederick." I thought this was super cute and a great way to tell your stories. I enjoyed the idea that his friends were spread out all over the country and the only way to keep in touch with them was through stories. This sets up a good storyline. The one thing I would suggest is making your introduction longer. Maybe give a little more insight into Frederick or more info about what type of stories will be told. I really do like your storybook and I am looking forward to reading more about that part of the country!

  3. I really like your background, fonts, and colors! It's very easy to read and eyecatching at the same time

  4. I have to leave a comment about your video because I was extremely close to putting this onto my blog. I love this song and it always puts me in a great mood. I'm glad that you put this on here. You can't go wrong with Beyonce and this song will always be a classic from her. Repeat, repeat, and repeat.

  5. Audra,
    First I have to say I really love that mountain/desert picture you chose for you comment wall. Nature and scenery are always so beautiful; I love painting them. Your storybook has set up a lot of great potential for your future stories and I am definitely going to check back in the future to hear about what Frederick the koala has to say. The theme and style you chose to go with are very interesting too and it has definitely sparked my interest, great job so far! I also love the simplistic view you chose for your storybook much like how I have done with my mine; this makes is very easy for the reader to navigate and follow.

  6. Hey Audra! I'm so glad someone in this class posted a video of Beyoncé! Love on Top is one of my favorites. I remember when she performed it live on the VMA's and then announced she was pregnant. That performance was amazing! I have floor tickets to see her in Dallas in May and I CANNOT wait! I've always wanted to see her live! I know she'll be amazing!

  7. I chose your storybook as my free choice. The introduction was really easy to read and captured my interest. I love that you have a koala as your storyteller and the picture you chose is adorable. I liked that you mentioned all the different animals that are his friends that live all over Australia. You mentioned an animal that I hadn't heard of, the quokka, and I had to look up a picture of one. He really does look like he is smiling. I also read your first story Light. I have never read any aboriginal stories. I think you chose a great story for your first one, and I love that it transitions into the next one. I love how Yhi brought light into the world and then instead of marveling at her work, she was concerned about the animals. You included great details and I can picture the scene easily in my head. I look forward to reading your next story. Great job! FYI, there is a phone number stuck in the middle of your first story?

  8. Audra,
    Hello I am back again and I wanted to comment again on the overall look and feel of your blog and storybook. Even though I have seen this blog background before I really love it and feel it goes very well with the mountain picture you have chose for the comment wall. Your story book is coming along very nicely as well. Reading your introduction previously I knew your first story would be awesome and it was. I really like the potential you have set up with your introduction and cannot wait to see even more of your futures stories! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  9. I awed out loud when I read that I will be reading your stories from the perspective of Frederick the koala. The picture of the koala was absolutely adorable. I went to Australia years ago and got to carry a koala at the zoo. They were heavier than they looked... maybe that was because I was young and little back then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Your story was very interesting to read too! I am always fascinated by the different "origin" stories (creation, light, etc.), so this was a fun one to read. Your overall look of the blog was also very nice. The grassy, hilly background made it the blog even more Australian, which fit perfectly with your story and introduction. Both your introduction and story was very enjoyable to read, and it was creative to have a single animal telling the story. Maybe you could have the koala's friend, kangaroo help out.
